Our agri-biocoal performs “Three reductions and three highs”. It reduces greenhouse gas effect, reduces CO2 emissions and reduces deforestation. It is high efficiency, high cleanliness and high productivity.
Our lab test data and analysis are produced by the international authoritative organizations such as ECN, SGS etc. It proves the stability and excellent quality of the SSGE agricultural bio-coal product.
SSGE agri-biocoal goes through various stages before it becomes the end-product. In the course of production, 30% of the flue gas is extracted by the application of specially designed torrefaction technology. Eventually it becomes the cleanest revolutionized green renewable energy – SSGE agri-biocoal.
The advantages are: renewable, green and clean energy, sustainable supply, safety, global logistical arrangement, a new and a revolutionized energy, the fifth largest renewable energy after crude oil, natural gas, fossil coal and nuclear energy.
APPLICATION Biomass briquettes can be used as a solid fuel in boiler, gasifier unit, furnace, kiln, oven, heater etc in manufacturing plants. USES OF BRIQUETTES IN VARIOUS INDUSTRIES [THERMAL APPLICATION] |